YouTube FanFest is back in Manila on May 12 at the World Trade Center on May 12,2017.
This year’s stellar line up features a mix of talented international creators: Lilly Singh aka
IISuperwomanII, Alex Wassabi, LaurDIY, Jayden Rodrigues, JuNCurryAhn, Megan Nicole,Matt Steffanina, and local sensations Janina Vela, Kristel Fulgar, Lloyd Cadena, Mikey Bustos, Ranz Kyle, Niana Guerrero, Wil Dasovich, and Alienette Coldfire.
These creators are set to take the stage at World Trade Center, Pasay City, for a night filled with music, dance, and lots of fun!
Last year’s Youtube FanFest Philippines playlist:
Some Youtube Links for the featured creators coming to #YTFF2017
Alex Wassabi:
Lilly Singh aka Superwoman:
Jaden Rodrigues:
Judy Ahn:
Megan Nicole:
Matt Stefaninna:
Tickets and information: http://www.youtubefanfest.com
YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/fanfest
Twitter: twitter.com/YouTubeFanFest
Instagram: instagram.com/youtubefanfest
Facebook: www.facebook.com/YouTubeFanFest
Google+: plus.google.com/+fanfest
Follow the hashtag: #YTFFPH
Pictures from a previous Youtube Event held at Glorietta with some Youtube stars set to return to WTC on May 12.

Happy Rich TV Youtube channel:
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