UnionBank Remains One of the Philippines’ Strongest and Most Valued Brands

In the recently released Brand Directory 2024 report by Brand Finance, UnionBank has retained its position as one of the Top 10 Most Valuable and Strongest brands in the Philippines. This marks UnionBank’s second consecutive year on this prestigious list since its debut in 2023.

Brand Finance, an independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy based in London, conducted the study that evaluates Brand Value and Brand Strength. According to the report, UnionBank’s brand value increased by 22%, from $557 million in 2023 to $679 million in 2024.

“The growth in value of the most valuable Philippine brands reflects the positive sentiments of the nation’s economic outlook,” stated Brand Finance in their report. “Brands in the banking and real estate sectors benefited from a strong post-pandemic economic rebound, improving financial literacy, and continued urbanization and gentrification.”

UnionBank is recognized both locally and internationally as a leading digitally transformed bank, revolutionizing the way consumers view and engage in banking. As early as 2016, UnionBank anticipated the digital future of banking, committing to it well before it became a trend. The motivation behind UnionBank’s digital transformation has always been to enhance the banking experience, making transactions something customers look forward to rather than dread.

Reappearing in this year’s Brand Finance ranking reaffirms that focusing on the customer and placing them at the heart of product and technological innovations yields significant returns.

“We are delighted to see that our efforts to provide our customers with advanced, innovative, and user-centric banking services have once again placed us among the Philippines’ best brands. Now serving over 14 million retail customers, we are more motivated than ever to continue seeking ways to deliver a superior banking experience tailored to our customers’ ever-evolving lifestyles in this digital world,” said UnionBank Chief Marketing Officer Albert Cuadrante.

For more information, visit the UnionBank website at www.unionbankph.com, or follow for updates on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, or Youtube.

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