My daughter is a big fan of green tea so I decided to let her try One Juice Green Tea. This tea helps promote weight loss and boost energy with ingredients like green tea, a known antioxidant that helps you lose weight and reduce your risk to cancer; garcinia cambogia, which is said to be a fat blocker and appetite suppressant; and L-Carnatine, which can help increase metabolism, boost energy and lose weight.
She loves the taste of One Juice Green Tea. The tea powder is conveniently packed in sachets, each with just the right amount for a single serving. It’s quick and easy to make since the powder dissolves well in cold water. It has a very refreshing taste that is not too sweet, unlike other juices in the market.
Since she has only been drinking the juice for a few weeks, she cannot attest to its weight loss claims. She did however, notice that she felt fuller longer after drinking the tea. It is definitely a healthier alternative to sodas and other sugary drinks we consume to keep us cool under the summer heat.