South Asialink Finance Corporation (SAFC) has not forgotten its humble beginnings in 2003. It never will. And that is why it continues to give back in any and all ways—and to everyone who deserves it.
The company mobilized in the aftermath of Supertyphoon Yolanda, acting swiftly and decisively to raise over ₱200,000 for those affected. It pitched in during the Taal explosions, distributing thousands of grocery packs to hundreds of displaced Filipinos. It teamed up with Anawim Lay Missions Foundation of Mr. Bo Sanchez for a feeding program to nourish the elderly in their facility in Montalban.
These are just some of the ways SAFC is giving back to Filipinos. This list goes on and on because helping is part of the company’s DNA. It is part of its vision, and it is one of its missions. It is the direction Mr. Joel C. Cruz, the President and Chief Operating Officer at SAFC, wants to take because he knows not only the value of people, but also the hardships they go through. Mr. Cruz integrates sustainability initiatives through SAFC with the specific goal of making a difference in other people’s lives. He joined SAFC in 2006. At that time the company only had 7 branches and 67 employees and they were releasing loans of up to P13Mn per month. Sixteen years later, SAFC now has 39 branches, 360 employees and is now booking loans between P250Mn-P450Mn per month, under his leadership. Annual Income increased to P300Mn (est. 2022) versus P8Mn in 2006.
Today, SAFC is a multi-billion peso financial powerhouse and one of the country’s leaders in financing. It has 39 branches scattered across Luzon, with ten (10) additional branches to be opened in Q1 of 2023. These things show that SAFC continues to get bigger and stronger as the company celebrates its 20th Anniversary. The successes of SAFC will continue to be shared with their communities, starting in 2023.

By 2023, SAFC will be launching SAFC HEROES, one of the company’s many corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs aligned with its people-centric vision. This program, in particular, aims to reward individuals who go above and beyond to help out their communities in their own ways. Through this program, SAFC will be honoring these community heroes:
· Green Hero. This will be given to individuals who are striving to value the environment.
· Life Hero. This will be awarded to those who inspire and influence other people to improve their health and well-being.
· Love Hero. This will be handed out to people who demonstrate a palpable, unmistakable passion for life by participating in various community activities with utmost zeal and dedication.
The SAFC HEROES program is aligned with the #vipXXperience: V.I.P—the company’s 20th anniversary campaign specially created for SAFC stakeholders and to be launched specifically for them. This campaign will be guided by three key principles:
1. We value our people (internal).
2. We inspire and influence the society and community (CSR).
3. We are passionate to our clients (external).
SAFC HEROES and #vipXXperience: V.I.P underscore yet again SAFC’s continuing commitment to people—from those who need help the most to those who have helped the company grow from a humble, aspiring startup in 2003 to a strong, successful leader in the financing industry today. It is this same commitment that ultimately will bring South Asialink Finance Corporation to even greater heights.
Even then, expect the company to continue helping people. It is a commitment, after all.