For wife and mother of two, Saab Magalona-Bacarro, making the call to shots for her children is not even a question of getting it done or not. It is the most important thing to do for her children’s health.

“It’s a few minutes of crying in exchange for long-term protection against life-threatening diseases so it’s very much worth it,” the content creator and podcast host said.
Saab and her husband, Jim Bacarro learned the importance of immunization through their own mothers whom they seek advice about parenting. “My husband and I are grateful our own parents have ingrained it (importance of immunization) in us enough to understand its importance in protecting ourselves and our future families.”
Saab also shared the technique that she learned during the first time her baby experienced receiving a jab. “It wasn’t so bad! If you’re breastfeeding, it’s best to feed them while they take the shot so they can be easily comforted.”
She also believes that the children can feel their parent’s energy. “Stay calm and remember that it’s not about you, it’s about your child. If it makes you uncomfortable to see your child get injected, that’s something you will have to overcome.”
“Also, don’t make a big fuss about how they’re so ‘kawawa’ or so brave for doing it. Just be there to hug and comfort them and move on to other things,” she added as she believes that this will help in normalizing vaccination.
She also advised first-time moms to do their research and make sure it’s science based. Aside from that, it is best to seek advice from the pediatrician.
For Saab, getting a shot should not be something to be afraid of. “It’s just a thing we have to do like getting our teeth cleaned at the dentist!”
“Vaccination is a big factor in preventing illnesses and spreading disease,” she said. She also encouraged every parent to make the call and speak with their doctor. “Be proactive in your children’s health and make sure to put your vaccination schedules in whatever calendar you use.”
Just like Saab, MSD’s campaign Call the Shots also invites every Filipino parent to make their call and do the move to level up the protection for their children against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Call the Shots PH is an awareness campaign to help protect parents and their children from vaccine-preventable diseases. This advocacy campaign is brought to you by MSD in the Philippines.
For more information, visit the Call the Shots Facebook Page and consult your pediatrician on how to protect your children against vaccine-preventable diseases.