Preparing Yourself for Love Unconventional Places: Tips and Advice

Sparks can fly in the most unexpected experiences.

There are over 8 billion people in the world, which means there are countless potential love interests out there. However, many people are so focused on their daily tasks and routines that they forget to look around and connect with others. Sometimes, though, unexpected circumstances can bring people together in unconventional places, providing an opportunity to meet someone new and potentially develop a deeper connection.

Stuck in the Elevator

Were you aware that the chances of getting stuck in an elevator are about 1 in every 100,000 occurrences? While the likelihood of being stuck with someone who you find attractive might be slightly higher, it’s not impossible.

If you do find yourself in this situation, the first thing to remember is not to panic. Being in a confined space can actually work to your advantage, particularly if you are alone together. Use this opportunity to engage in light conversation and get to know each other better. And once help arrives, be sure to exchange contact information so you can continue your connection outside of the elevator.

During Overtime

Romantic relationships in the workplace are nothing new, but there’s another type of bonding that can occur when you and your office crush are both under intense pressure to meet tight deadlines – stress bonding.

If you find yourself in this situation, take the opportunity to make a move and get closer to your crush. One way to do this is by offering to buy dinner for both of you, and then taking a break together to decompress and enjoy each other’s company.

In the Middle of Traffic

In major urban centers in the Philippines, the daily commute can be a major time drain, with individuals losing an average of one week per year in transit. This leaves little time for work, leisure, or socializing.

To help alleviate this issue and create more opportunities for romantic connections, closeup partnered with ride-hailing app JoyRide on Valentine’s Day to launch #RideCloser. This initiative provided free carpool rides for commuters, pairing couples based on their drop-off points, age, and personal preferences.

To help break the ice and facilitate connections, the cars were equipped with fun Valentine’s Day-themed activities and conversation starters. Many couples hit it off right away and enjoyed a memorable ride together.

Up-and-coming actor, model, and vlogger Brent Manalo also participated in the campaign, surprising one lucky individual with the opportunity to get closer to him despite the traffic. Brent shared on Instagram that he and his blind date had a great conversation during their ride to Trinoma.

Through this partnership, closeup and JoyRide demonstrated that love can be found anywhere, even in unexpected places. To be prepared for these spontaneous moments, individuals can use closeup, which contains Antibacterial Zinc to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and provide fresh breath for up to 12 hours with regular use, giving them the confidence to get closer to someone special.

Visit closeup and JoyRide’s social media pages to view what happened during the #RideCloser free carpool blind rides!

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