A fictional story of survival with the backdrop of the violent coup in Thailand in 2010, a group of militia where out to kill foreigners. Jack (Owen Wilson) is a man desperate to protect his family who just moved in to Thailand to work as an expat, in this intense, fast-paced action thriller that will leave you breathless. Together with him is seasoned expat Hammond (Pierce Brosnan) as their only ally.
In Captive Cinema, “No Escape” the audience will feel the tension, action and thrilling excitement of those dramatic events. Be among the first to watch and experience this edge-of-the-seat thriller. Sneak previews will be on August 16 and 17 in selected theaters.
Video from Movie Trailers youtube channel.
The movie was directed by John Erick Dowdle, who co-wrote the film with brother Drew Dowdle.
‘No Escape’ hits theaters on August 26, 2015. It’s released and distributed by CAPTIVE CINEMA.