The 4th leg of 2012 Pyromusical Competition seems to be best week so far in the series. The new kid in town of the competition, Netherlands, who entered with a big bang was pitted against the champion, China. The crowd attendance on this leg seems to be the largest so far due to the great expectations from China’s performance. The crowd did not get disappointed and got what they expected from China and more from the newcomer. Netherlands wow the crowd with their amazing fireworks. They definitely will be a contender to top place of the contest.
Here are some of the highlights of Netherlands’ fireworks display. You can click on any of the photo for a larger view.
Here are the video highlights for Netherlands’ rocking performance. Apologies for the distraction of the hand and cardboard of the adjacent photographer appearing in the frame once in a while.
Apologies for Part 2 not having audio. Youtube has muted the audio due to some copyright issues as describe below:
“Your video, Part 2 of Netherlands’ Firework Display Performance at the 3rd Phil. Intl. Pyromusical Competition, may include content that is owned or administered by these entities:
- Entity: EMI Content Type: Musical Composition
- Entity: Warner Chappell Content Type: Musical Composition”
It must have something to do with the soundtrack use by Netherlands.
* Photos and videos by Ted Claudio of Teddy Bear Photography
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