Don’t let Work-from-Home setup plunge your personal care. Your daily routines, social interactions and physical activities are probably at an all-time low. The unbearable heat isn’t helping either—forcing us to work
through our nine-to-five feeling haggard even before lunchtime hits, and staying inside our personal space
doesn’t give us much motivation to fix up or work out.
But while slacking on self-care in the middle of quarantine is something expected, it doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. Your best self doesn’t have to be set aside just because you’re stuck within four walls. Your body can recover from sluggishness and be its active self once again. And most especially, you can still make the effort to feel, look and stay fresh, as you power through the heat and the monotony of working from home.
From the brand that has provided men with personal care products that make them look and feel their best, NIVEA Men Cool Kick is the newest deodorant that makes you feel icy cool, by dropping your skin temperature by -10°C! #KickStartYourCool and feel a rush of renewed energy as the #NIVEAMenCoolKick instantly cools down your skin, while reducing
sweat from pores and providing extra dry protection for up to 48 hours—topped with a Cool Active fresh scent. In this sweltering climate, imagine the relief and freshness a -10°C brings to your body—all thanks to NIVEA Men Cool Kick.
Think of the NIVEA Men Cool Kick as the deodorant counterpart of the ice cold drink you rush to gulp in the middle of intense heat, a grueling gym session, or a long work day. It’s that refreshing cup of cold juice in the morning, a cool swig of soda at lunchtime, or a freshly opened can of below-zero beer at night. But with the #NiveaMenCoolKick, all you have to do is apply it once in the morning, or after a shower you most definitely deserve. Feel your temperature cool down by -10°C instantly as you start working from home—sweat-free, odor-free, and feeling confident and energetic throughout your day.