This May everything is all about gratitude and love as Jollibee launches Family Thanksgiving Month. The pandemic really challenged us a lot but looking on the brighter side we still have something to be thankful for– our family.
Through the Jollibee Family Thanksgiving Month, the country’s number one fast-food chain aims to start a new tradition to enjoin everyone to openly and actively express their gratitude towards their family and loved ones.
Jollibee launched their new campaign last April 29 with their long-time ambassador, and now introduced as the new campaign ambassador Anne Curtis. Having her own little family now, Anne shared with the media her priceless moments with them.
“Growing up I feel very fortunate to be showered with much love from my parents and sister, and now my husband Erwan and baby Dahlia. So, every chance I get I want to make them feel how much I appreciate them – whether spending more quality time with them, sharing a meal, or even saying a simple thank you”, says Anne.
The event also served as the launchpad of the campaign’s manifesto video directed by Joel Ruiz and featuring Anne Curtis in her first comeback project with Jollibee. It as a short with a very impactful message which reminds everyone to cherish every moment with their family and always show the love and care for them.
The event also served as the launchpad of the campaign’s manifesto video directed by Joel Ruiz and featuring Anne Curtis in her first comeback project with Jollibee. The short but meaningful video reminds everyone why we should be thankful for our family and make the effort or go the extra mile to express their gratitude more often starting with the Family Thanksgiving Month.
“We think that this is the perfect time to start openly showing our appreciation to the people who matter most to us – our families. Jollibee has always been about joy of family and togetherness, and with the launch of the Family Thanksgiving Month, we hope to remind and encourage people to appreciate the time we spend with our families, and to say thank you for all the things that they have done or continued doing for us not just for a day, or a month but for as long as we can. Because if there’s one thing that this pandemic taught us, it’s to never take anything for granted and cherish the people who matter most,” says JFC Philippines Country/Regional Marketing Head and Jollibee Philippines Marketing Head Francis Flores.
Family is where the home is as the say, and now is our time to make the most of the time with them. It doesn’t need to be grand but it’s the simple things that matters the most.
To cap off the event, Anne led the media guests in saying their simple thank you to loved ones via the #IDontSayThisEveryDayBut activity. This online movement has been trending on Instagram, with Jollibee endorsers, influencers, and netizens all expressing their gratitude to their families. With its virality on Instagram, netizens took the initiative to bring the #IDontSayThisEveryDayButMovement on Facebook and Twitter as well, resulting in thousands of posts in a matter of days.
Watch out for the launch of the Jollibee’s Family Thanksgiving Video this coming May 1 in Jollibee’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.