Exploring the Psychology of Corporate Giveaways

Here’s how corporate gifting can establish deeper connections with employees, business partners, and customers.

Every person possesses a natural inclination towards giving and sharing, as seen in the universal norm of reciprocity in social psychology. When an individual receives a favor, a good deed, or a gift from someone else, they are wired to feel the need to reciprocate the gesture. This phenomenon is known as the principle of reciprocity.

The use of the Theory of Reciprocity as an effective strategy in marketing and human resources management has become a widespread practice. Corporate gifting is often used by marketing strategists to entice consumers to patronize their products or establish a stronger connection with business partners. Similarly, human resources leads use corporate gifts to cultivate a deeper relationship between the company and its employees.

Research published in The Harvard Business Review under the title ‘The New Science of Customer Experience’ shows that people develop a stronger emotional connection and higher satisfaction with a brand when they establish a deeper relationship with it. Corporate gifts can serve as a symbol of a brand’s efforts to reach out and care for its recipients, initiating a strong connection that inspires a sense of obligation to reciprocate the favor.

Raquel Romero, President of World Expos & Concepts, which organizes the annual Corporate Giveaways Buyers’ Show, emphasized that corporate giveaways can do more than just show that a business cares about individuals; they can also showcase the brand’s identity and business values. According to Romero, a simple gift can reinforce the personal connection between the brand and its employees, partners, or consumers, and it doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it is useful.

Building brand awareness

Corporate giveaways can serve as a powerful marketing tool for businesses, as they can increase brand awareness among consumers and potential business partners. The use of gift items that bear a company’s branding can create a lasting impression and reinforce brand recall. Furthermore, if the recipient of a corporate giveaway regularly uses the item in their daily life, they can contribute to brand exposure by exposing others to the brand.

Developing and strengthening customer loyalty

According to a study conducted by Sendoso, an international gift-sending company in 2022, 83% of poll respondents feel a stronger connection with a brand or business that sends them corporate gifts. This finding supports the Theory of Reciprocity, as corporate giveaways can make a recipient feel appreciated, cared for, or valued, leading to the development of brand loyalty. Additionally, when a person develops brand loyalty, they are more likely to recommend the brand to others, which is beneficial for a company’s marketing efforts.

Improving employees’ morale

Corporate gifts for employees are a great way for companies to demonstrate their appreciation for their workforce and strengthen the relationship between them. These gifts create a sense of belonging and connection between the company and its valued employees, and can also be used to celebrate team successes and achievements, improve retention rates, and increase overall workplace satisfaction. In addition to building trust and rapport, employee corporate gifts can help maintain high levels of productivity and loyalty.

If you are looking for an easy way to source your year-round promotional items and gifting needs, you might want to check out the upcoming Corporate Giveaways Buyers’ Show. This annual event will take place from June 14 to 16, 2023 at the SMX Convention Center in Manila.

By attending the Corporate Giveaways Buyers’ Show, brands and businesses can have access to a wide range of corporate gift options, as well as connect with reliable suppliers who can provide quality and affordable products. Pre-registering for free admission is also available through their website at corporategiveawaysbuyershow.com or their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CorporateGiveaways.

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