Discovering something—and somebody—who conveys happiness to one’s day is a standout amongst the best things throughout everyday life. When you experience your most loved pampasaya, the increase in bliss that you get is really unique.
In Jollibee’s most recent TV plug, the lovable couple who found their pampasaya in each other and their Jolly top picks in the Kwentong Jollibee Valentine’s video “Proposition” makes a merry rebound with an energizing declaration that is certain to make you grin: Jollibee’s Sulit-Complete Meals are presently increasingly moderate!

“With rising costs of merchandise, Pinoys are dependably vigilant for delicious yet economical sustenance decisions. Jollibee plans to enable Filipinos by uniting Jollibee top picks which have always conveyed euphoria to Pinoys however at considerably progressively moderate costs for everybody to appreciate” said Cathleen Capati, Jollibee’s AVP for Flagship Products. “We trust that with this, our esteem dinners will keep on conveying that blissful feast experience that clients can have consistently!”

Enjoy the sweet-sarap integrity of the meatiest, cheesiest Jolly Spaghetti in addition to a normal beverage for just P55.00. Round out lunch, bite, or supper time with an attempted and-tried trio: the 100% burly langhap-sarap Yumburger with Jolly Crispy Fries and a standard beverage for just P79.00. Furthermore, for a definitive pampasaya, make the most of your Jolly Spaghetti with the Yumburger and drink for just P89.00*!

Make the most of your preferred esteem dinners today at the most sulit-saya costs! The Jollibee Sulit-Complete Meals are accessible in all Jollibee stores across the country for eat-in, take-out, conveyance, and drive-through exchanges.
For more data about Jollibee’s items and advancements, like Jollibee Philippines on Facebook, buy into Jollibee Studios on YouTube, and pursue @Jollibee on Twitter and Instagram.
- Prices may shift crosswise over various areas