Catch the long-awaited sequel exclusively on Disney+
Disney+ has kicked off the new year with a bang by releasing the highly-anticipated anime series, “Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc.” Fans of the manga series, written by Ken Wakui, can now follow former delinquent Takemichi as he uses his newfound time-traveling abilities to save his middle school girlfriend from being killed by the Tokyo Manji gang, altering the fate of those around him.
Directed by Koichi Hatsumi and produced by LIDENFILMS, “Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc” features the talented voice acting of Tomokazu Sugita and Mikako Komatsu as Taiju Shiba and Yuzuha Shiba, respectively. This anime adaptation is part of Disney+’s partnership with leading publisher Kodansha, which was announced at the Disney Content Showcase in November 2022.
In addition to “Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc,” Disney+ offers a diverse selection of anime titles, including the live-action psychothriller “Gannibal” and “Lost Man Found,” as well as other popular titles from the APAC region and around the world. Don’t miss your chance to watch the thrilling “Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc” exclusively on Disney+.
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