Let’s all be honest, I’m sure you’ve heard Director Antoinette Jadaone, perhaps from That Things Called Tadhana, or to Love You to the Stars and Back, maybe from Never Not Love Your, or surely you’ve heard her from her fresh success of her 2020’s talk of the town film Fan Girl. Well, ladies and gentleman, ready yourselves because she’s back to surprise us with her new short film for Mother’s Day!

Personally, Direk Jadoane, admitted that the theme Mother’s Day of her new short film was indeed close to her heart. She’s just an ordinary woman but she’s a director who has reached acclaim for providing different and refreshing takes on the well-explored themes of love and commitment. And good news to all of her fan girls and fan boys, we wouldn’t have to wait for too long to see this new short film from the multi-award-winning-filmmaker.
Lately, Direk Jadoane shared that, “It’s been too long since I last directed a film, and I’m happy this is a story that’s close to my heart. This isn’t going to be a romantic story, but is still about unyielding and steadfast love nonetheless.” With the pandemic around the area, Jadaone has been busy these past months to ensure the film goes out on Mother’s Day May 9, with a special release on social media. So, we all should be ready and must check it out with our family, especially with our Moms.

Direk Jadaone proudy shared what’s her new short film is all about, she stated that, “Mothers come in all shapes and sizes. We don’t know what they’ve been through or going through. In this story particularly, we look at one special side of motherhood – one that we don’t hear being talked about very much. Although it is quite familiar to a lot of us.”
Jadaone ends saying that, “We hope we can somehow ‘hold the hands’ of mothers who are experiencing or have experienced the same thing as in the film.”
I’m sure you’re just excited as I am, so make sure to mark your calendar at Mother’s Day and watch out for Direk Antoinette Jadaone’s new short film! Be one of the witnesses to the new story that Jadaone has crafted.

For more information about Director Antoinette Jadaone, follow her social media accounts:
Instagram: @tonetjadaone Twitter: @tonetjadaone