Block Tides celebrates 5th anniversary Okada Manila

Block Tides, a company empowering block chain technology, held its fifth anniversary, that is, for a cause, last Saturday, October 23 at the posh Okada Manila. The rising player in the blockchain community staged the event in cooperation with Vention App which is hailed as the first-ever NFT marketplace in the Philippines. 

The occasion gathered business innovation leaders and stakeholders to discuss among themselves on how their emerging industry will help the country’s economy and promote high-quality learning for its supporters. On top of that was the initiative to directly help out people struggling amidst the pandemic. 

“I will definitely promote blockchain technology and all the other outlets out there,” declared CEO Myrtle Anne Ramos dubbed the “Princess of Blockchain.” 

Block Tides has hosted around 30 road shows about blockchain and cryptocurrency, in and around South East Asia. 

The award-winning firm led in serving as a role model by helping those facing the challenges of an ongoing pandemic. Major event sponsors include Gala Games, PlaceWar, LBank, Ace eWallet, and GokuMarket.

Block Tides management noted that it cannot just sit and celebrate past achievements; it needs to look forward. The pandemic turned out to be an opportunity for the company to come out of the crisis via mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Courtesy of Block Tides

Vention App head Julius Santillan pointed out, “It’s a pleasure to be part of this amazing event. I admire seeing people from different generations coming together with a common goal which is leveling up.”

Kabataang May Gawa, a non-profit organization providing food for affected families, is a key stakeholder, ably assisted by industry partners GokuMarket, LBank, Dreams Quest, MerHorse, BitDogex, Alkimi Exchange, BullBear Hope, SparkPoint, PlaceWar, and Vention App. 

These companies all adopt a seedling initiative to plant 100 trees in support of The Haribon Foundation for the conservation of natural resources.

The said event highlighted discussions on the role of crypto adoption in banking and finance, regulations for blockchain and crypto, decentralized finance, mass adoption for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, women and youth empowerment, NFTs, among others. 

The lady executive who also sits as key figure in other companies like PlaceWar and GokuMarket wisely addresses the ongoing scenario brought about by the new decade’s lockdowns and contagion. She related, “This crisis is a unique moment of risk and opportunity. We need to strengthen our base and raise our voices together to steer economic recovery.” 

Ramos already helped hundreds of companies from the ground up and transform their businesses by disrupting, adjusting, or scale-utilizing the latest technological tools and products. She has likewise extended assistance as part of her company’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) by donating to and helping people in need like the victims of typhoon Ulysses, recent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the ongoing global health crisis. She is credited with raising more than $200,000 from donations and giving away $60,000 through her Block Tides Live Series.

She added, “We are a team of well-experienced marketers and PR (public relations) professionals heavily involved in blockchain technology. Our team is a golden bridge towards expanding a project globally in no time with our strategic partnership between Asia Token Fund and Block PR Asia.”Here’s a link for a glimpse of the Block Tides event in cooperation with Vention App.

Block Tides CEO Myrtle Anne Ramos met print media reporters and bloggers via a virtual press conference last Oct 16 and led the blockchain community at her company’s fifth anniversary event last Saturday (October 23) at Okada Manila.

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