When the rain falls, it brings forth a deluge of illnesses that can be challenging to evade. With the arrival of the rainy season and the first signs of your child sneezing and rubbing their nose, it’s a sure sign that the cold season has returned.
Colds are never a pleasant experience, not for your little ones who suffer from discomfort, and certainly not for you as you manage their treatment while coping with stress and worry. Fortunately, there are several strategies to fend off illness during this season. And in those instances when colds cannot be avoided, rest assured they can be effectively managed.
Disudrin, the leading cold medicine for children, trusted and often prescribed by pediatricians, provides a comprehensive guide to keeping your children healthy and free from colds during this season of uncertainty.
Encourage your children to practice frequent handwashing. Sometimes, the most significant concerns find their solutions in the simplest actions. Regular handwashing remains one of the most effective methods to ward off illness by eradicating germs and preventing their transmission to others. It can be helpful to establish a mental schedule for your kids, particularly when they are at school and you are not around to remind them. Encourage them to wash their hands during the three key moments of the day: Break time, Banyo time (bathroom time), and Barkada time (playtime with friends).
- Break time emphasizes the importance of clean hands before recess or lunch.
- Banyo time underscores the necessity of handwashing after every restroom visit.
- Lastly, Barkada time serves as a reminder to wash their hands after playing with their friends.
Ensure your children receive an ample supply of fluids and maintain a diet rich in balanced nutrition. Similar to the importance of handwashing, keeping your kids well-hydrated is another straightforward practice that helps safeguard them against colds. Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining a healthy lymphatic system, supporting blood volume, and enhancing communication and biochemical pathways, all of which fortify the immune system. When children are already suffering from colds, it’s advisable to increase their daily water intake by at least two extra glasses to aid in flushing out toxins.
Moreover, proper nutrition plays a crucial role in promoting the health and vitality of your kids. Make certain that your little ones enjoy well-balanced meals on a daily basis, consisting of a wholesome blend of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates.
Promote physical activity for your children, even when the rainy weather tempts them to stay indoors and snuggle on comfy cushions. Maintaining an active lifestyle is vital for the health of their immune systems. While outdoor play during the rain might not be feasible, the next best option is to encourage your kids to engage in indoor activities that keep them moving. You can introduce entertaining games such as hide and seek, teach them a dance routine, or engage in stretching exercises together. Not only will this inspire physical activity, but it also provides an opportunity to strengthen your bond with your children.
Understand what remedies to administer to your children and when to do so. While preparations play a vital role, it’s crucial to remember that when colds strike, the focus shifts from prevention to effective management. In such times, you need a trusted partner endorsed by healthcare professionals. Disudrin is a reliable solution that offers effective relief from the symptoms of children’s colds.
Mothers always aspire to provide the best for their children, and this commitment extends to the selection of dependable medicines. Disudrin, when taken as directed—every six hours after meals or according to your pediatrician’s guidance—effectively alleviates a congested and runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing, liberating your children from bothersome symptoms while assuaging the anxieties of concerned parents.
This rainy season, seize control of the uncertain moments, even when preventive measures may fall short. When colds strike, mothers can confidently manage them at home with the reliable support of Disudrin. Act promptly, act wisely, and remember, #WagPalalainMagDisudrin.
For further information, please visit https://www.unilab.com.ph/.