Bar boys is a musical adaptation of Pat Valera and Myke Solomon with Barefoot Theatre Collaborative , it was based on the 2017 Filipino Film directed by Kip Oebanda.
The story tackles Erik, Torran, Chris, and Josh set off on what could turn out to be the most difficult four years of their lives in pursuit of their dream of becoming lawyers.
Despite the fact that Bar Boys isn’t solely centered on law, every character in the film deals with and overcomes personal struggles in addition to the demands of law school.
Omar Uddin as Josh had to leave law school to pursue another path in life.
Erik, portrayed by Benedix Ramos, never feels satisfied with his schooling because it sets forth a financial burden on his father, even though his father is always encouraging and supporting him. As a result of his challenges, Jerom Canlas being Torran struggles to reconcile his sexuality with his mother and also a living proof the fraternities does exist.
Additionally, Alex Diaz’s character Chris strives to be the best while simultaneously continuously persuading himself that he is not like his father who doesn’t fight for justice fairly.
And no one will forget about Justice Hernandez played by Sheila Francisco, the boys’ most formidable instructor and the epitome of morality and order.
Bar Boys is a piece for law school graduates as well as everyone who has ever had a dream and understands the costs involved in realizing it. This amazing musical, which is heartbreaking, hilarious, and inspirational, serves as a painful reminder to us as people and perhaps even as a nation na ang layo na ng ating narating; ang haba pa sa ating lalandasin.
Bar Boys: A Musical is showing at the Power Mac Center Spotlight Blackbox Theater, Circuit Makati, from May 3 to May 19, 2024.
Photo Courtesy by: Kyle Venturillo