Second Batch of Golden Visas Issued to Hotel101-Madrid Unit Owners in Under 60 Days

This significant milestone is expected to substantially boost unit sales revenue for Hotel101 Global, attracting buyers from various parts of the world. The first three international Hotel101 projects are projected to generate an impressive US$471 million (Php27.2 billion) in foreign currency revenues for DoubleDragon.

(Below; recent actual photo taken at the 680-room Hotel101-Madrid construction site, expected completion next year December 2025)

Hotel101 Global has set an ambitious target of one million operational hotel rooms worldwide by 2050, with 50,000 of those planned for the Philippines. This strategy is poised to strengthen DoubleDragon’s position, making Hotel101 the largest hotel chain in the Philippines and one of the top five hotel companies globally.

Hotel101’s asset-light, innovative concept—featuring a uniform room type across its ecosystem, with an average of 500 rooms per site—allows DoubleDragon to earn revenue twice. First, through the preselling of Hotel101 units, and second, from recurring revenues generated by hotel operations once the project is completed.

Additionally, Hotel101 leverages dynamic pricing through the Hotel101 Global App, where room rates fluctuate in real time based on supply and demand for the selected booking date.

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