Leveling up partnership program, Globe myBusiness strengthens with GPN

Quarantine measures have crippled if not completely shutting down businesses all over the country. Small businesses especially has willed to adapt and turned to digital solutions to reach the market within this lockdown crisis.

To help MSMEs who are trying to transform how they work, Globe myBusiness has introduced its Globe Partner Network (GPN) program to better equip its members with the support they need to reach their technology adoption goals. Assembling a group of tech experts—information and communication companies, system integrators, and tech companies— who help one another by offering their services to each other’s clients, with complementary solutions from Globe myBusiness. This alliance enables GPN members to support one another in growing their respective businesses.

GPN members also get access to upskilling programs such as paid certification training and business networking opportunities. They can also try business-building tools to attract more customers, like accreditation and presentation tools; competitive commission on successful referrals; and special incentives.

Globe myBusiness recognizes the importance of collaboration between MSMEs in order to rebuild our economy,” said Nicola Ebrada, Globe myBusiness Industry Marketing Lead for InfoComm. “Our commitment to our partners means we will continue to introduce new programs to uplift them and make useful products and services more accessible to them.

In addition, starting this year, members who actively participate in the alliance will receive the GPN certified partner badge that they may use when presenting to their clients. Members can also enjoy exposure in Globe myBusiness social media platforms, sponsored events, and videos.

GPN regular Kamustahan with members
The first GPN Kamustahan for the year was held on April 23 to keep members updated of new ways to boost their businesses. It also served as an avenue for members to recount their business learnings during the first year of the pandemic and how the GPN program helped them to thrive.

Members such as entrepnegosyo.com/emarket.co.ph and Spring Valley shared that their membership in the GPN program has strengthened their companies’ credibility, bringing them more clients and more selling opportunities at a time when other businesses have struggled. “I am thankful to Globe myBusiness because the media mileage I enjoyed as a Globe Partner Network member improved my business’ visibility and reputation. Being an accredited partner of Globe helped my business’ branding online and on social media,” said Johanson Dy Cheng, CEO, and founder of www.emarket.com.ph and www.entrepnegosyo.com

As for Spring Valley Tech Corp., its relationship with Globe myBusiness enabled the company to speed up its efforts to serve the growing number of businesses now shifting from the traditional to the digital economy.

We shifted our entire operations to Bago City, in response to our employees looking for safer work bubbles where they can both live, eat and work. The difference between big cities and small cities is connectivity. Our connectivity from Globe enables us to stay operational and collaborate with our clients even if we are here in Negros, and they are in other places,” said Jonathan De Luzuriaga, founder, and CEO of Spring Valley Tech Corp. “Being part of the GPN program also allows us to interact with other MSMEs who may need Spring Valley’s services and Globe myBusiness’ digital solutions.

Ebrada said that Globe myBusiness will regularly host meetings as such for GPN partners not just to show to its partners what’s in store for them but more importantly, to assure system integrators that they will get the support they need to continually push forward and uplift their businesses in the blossoming digital economy.

To know more about the perks of being a Globe Partner Network member, or to join the program, visit https://www.glbe.co/GPN.

Marc Ramos

A hopeful writer that aspires to be better than her yesterday self. En garde to tomorrow's challenges!

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