6 Ways Keep Yourself Physically Fit during Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it extremely difficult to stay physically fit. It is hard to train consistently to go to the gym because fitness centers open and close depending on quarantine classifications. It is just as hard to play sports in organized events because of the risks that it brings. Just going out is a challenge as well, what with the threat of COVID-19. Worse, the varying degrees of lockdown protocols are causing a rise in the sedentary lifestyle, with many now choosing to stay home and watch TV or surf the web. 

These challenges combined can lower your level of physical fitness, and this reduction can take a toll on your overall health. In particular, poor physical fitness can leave you at risk of sakit sa puso like coronary heart disease and arrhythmia, diabetes, and certain types of cancer such as breast and colon cancer. It can even make you vulnerable to sakit sa buto like osteoporosis and arthritis. Suffice to say, it is vital that you keep yourself physically fit even amidst this pandemic. It can be challenging, but these ideas can help get you going:

Watch What You Eat

A healthy diet goes hand in hand with exercise to ensure physical fitness and overall health. As the saying goes: “you are what you eat,” so aim to incorporate into your diet as much healthy food as you can. Include vitamin-rich food like fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Add protein-rich food for muscle building and cell repair, so you can be physically active without being at risk of injury. You can better incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle if you already have a healthy diet to complement it. 

Stand and Walk

Even the simple acts of standing and walking can help you stay physically fit. The goal is to avoid being sedentary, and frequently standing up can help accomplish that. Whenever possible, find opportunities to stand up and move around for 30 minutes to not sit or lie down for long stretches. For example, work using a standing desk or stand up while taking a call or watching TV when you can.

Then, whenever you can, find time to walk even while inside the house. Walk from the couch to the kitchen and back 10 times every half hour. Walk up a flight of stairs and back down again several times. “Tour” your garden or front yard. Walk your dog or stroll around the neighborhood, making sure that you wear your facemask and face shield correctly. Observe physical distancing at all times too. 

Do House Chores

Everyday chores like cleaning the house, rearranging your cupboards and cabinets, taking out the trash, or washing the dishes will get you moving regularly and help improve your physical fitness.

Perform Bodyweight Exercises

Exercising is one of the best ways to get some physical activity, and you don’t need to go to a gym for it. You don’t even need fancy equipment. All you need is some space, the willingness to exercise, and knowledge of some simple bodyweight exercises such as:

  • Push-ups – for your chest, shoulders, arms, and back
  • Crunches – for your abdominal muscles and core 
  • Squats – for your legs, particularly your hamstrings, quads, and glutes
  • Jumping jacks – for your cardiovascular health

Look to schedule your exercise time, ideally every morning, so that you get it out of your daily schedule right away. Then, of course, you can schedule it in the afternoon or at nighttime, but make sure that you push through every time until exercising becomes a habit.

Exercise with the Help of Technology

You can level up your stay-at-home exercise routines by joining online fitness classes or following virtual workouts. In this way, you will be able to continue working out with like-minded people who can push you through your exercise plateaus, teach you proper form and new workouts, and inspire you to continue with your program. Many fitness centers are now offering digital memberships for people who want to exercise in the comfort of their own homes. Countless exercise videos are also available online for you to subscribe to and watch.  

Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Finally, sleep is a vital component of being physically fit and healthy. That’s because regularly getting a good night’s sleep will give you enough energy to stay physically active during the day. Getting enough sleep will also strengthen your muscles and bodily tissues, so you can use them for your physical activities. Equally important, strong muscles and tissues will be less prone to injury, which means you can be physically active without worrying about getting injured.   While staying fit has become difficult in this pandemic, you must keep yourself in good enough shape to better respond to the challenges the current situation continues to present.

In addition, it will also lower your risk of illness, which is all the more critical amid this ongoing health crisis. That said, make sure to follow the above tips so you can keep yourself physically fit and active in this time of COVID-19.

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