Coming from a loss in yesterday’s best-of-three (BO3) series, Falcon Esports returned stronger and showed dominance in today’s BO5 match against RSG SG. The Burmese squad didn’t give RSG SG a chance to score and left its Singaporean contenders locked out of the championship.
Hungry to cling to its slot for the finals, Indonesia’s pride and remaining flag bearer RRQ Hoshi soundly swept Malaysia’s TODAK in another thrilling 3:0 match. TODAK continued their losing streak against RRQ since M1 World Championship. Fortunately, they still live to fight another day together with fellow Malaysia’s pride Orange Esports to bring honor to their country.
The pressure is on these two teams as Malaysian fans expect them also to propel and become dominant in the regional tournament. Recently, their country’s football team qualified for the 2023 Asian Cup Finals on merit for the first time in 42 years.
Don’t miss out on the matches! See match schedules tomorrow:
Stage | Data | Time | Match | Team A | Team B | Format |
PlayOffs Day3 | June 16 | 14:00 | Match 7 | Smart Omega | EVOS SG | BO5 |
PlayOffs Day3 | June 16 | 18:00 | Match 8 | RSG-PH | Orange Esports | BO5 |
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