After more than a year without the Football Competition on television and stadiums due to the massive outbreak of Pandemic which has greatly affected the life of every individual. Vladimir Serov, the Global Director of the Gazprom Football for Friendship programme, says to his statement that, “In view of Covid-19 and the restrictions associated with it, we decided at fairly short notice in 2020 to switch temporarily to a digital format. doing so, we wanted to contribute to children being able to remain in contact with each other in a worldwide network under the unifying umbrella of the nine values F4F. ”
Boys and girls aged 12 to 14 years old from 211 countries will partake and form 32 friendship teams and fight on the football simulator the “F4F World”, to get the title and hailed as the e- Champions of F4F 2021. After the development of the multipayer simulator F4F World, it can be used with free 27 languages on MS Windows, Apple MacOS, Android and iOS. The platform was at a meeting right now by the founders to address on how it is going to affect the children’s football condition amidst the pandemic.
According to the statement of Frank Ludolph, the 2020 Head of the UEFA Department for Football Education, “I hope very much that the pandemic will soon be just a memory and that action-packed football and other sports events will once again be held out of doors in the fresh air and sunshine. Nevertheless, we are entering a new digital era in which we make active use of hybrid forms of communication.”

All 32 Friendship teams will start the journey of their battle to get the title as the Champion of the 2021 Football for Friendship which will take place this May.