In compliance with the declaration of President Rodrigo Duterte to put the entire of Luzon under enhanced community quarantine amid COVID-19 threat, the Philippine Coast Guard issued guidelines on sailing policy for fishers, thereby assisting artisanal and commercial fish workers to continue to conduct legal fishing operations in areas under community quarantine.
Fishing operations continue under stringent health protocols and safety guidelines to be conducted by the PCG, Philippine National Police – Maritime Group, and the Philippine Navy.

The operatives of these enforcement agencies will board the fishing vessels and conduct thermal check-up. Fishing boat captains are instructed to refuse, isolate, and/or restrict to cabin any fish worker who exhibits flu-like symptoms and/or report to the PCG or return to port upon discovery of a sick crew.
By clarifying the process and mechanisms during the period of the enhanced community quarantine, the Philippine Coast Guard helps our fishers earn income amidst the governments efforts to contain the spread of the dreaded novel coronavirus.
Oceana is an international advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the world’s oceans. Since 2014, Oceana has been working closely with national and local government agencies, civil society, fisherfolk and other stakeholders to restore abundance of Philippine fisheries and marine resources.